Reintegrate Project Reading Circle

We started this project with a weekly reading circle to learn more about reintegration, migration governance, and other topics that we want to incorporate as at team into the Reintegrate project. It was a great opportunity to reflect, share our ideas, and get to know each other, while learning from these amazing authors and their work. Check out our reading list below!

Readings week 1: Introduction to Return & Reintegration

Lietaert, I., & Kuschminder, K. (2021). Contextualizing and conceptualizing reintegration processes in the context of return. International Migration59(2), pp. 140-147.

King, R., & Kuschminder, K. (2022). Introduction: definitions, typologies and theories of return migration. In Handbook of return migration. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Cassarino, J. P. (2004). Theorising Return Migration: The Conceptual Approach to Return Migrants Revisited. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, UNESCO, 2004, 6(2), pp.253-279.

Readings week 2: Reintegration Case-studies

Lietaert, I., Broekaert, E. & Derluyn, I. (2017). Time heals? A multi- sited, longitudinal case study on the lived experiences of returnees in Armenia. In: Return Migration and Psychosocial Wellbeing, pp. 165-182. Routledge.

Kuschminder, K. (2022). 14. Reintegration strategies. In: Handbook of Return Migration, pp. 200-211. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Schuster, L., & Majidi, N. (2013). What happens post-deportation? The experience of deported Afghans. Migration studies, 1(2), pp. 221-240.

Readings week 3: Gender & migration

Kofman, E. (2020). Unequal internationalisation and the emergence of a new epistemic community: gender and migration. Comparative Migration Studies, 8(1), pp. 1-6.

Mahler, S. J., & Pessar, P. R. (2006). Gender matters: Ethnographers bring gender from the periphery toward the core of migration studies. International Migration Review, 40(1), pp. 27-63.

Lutz, H. (2010). Gender in the Migratory Process. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10), pp. 1647-1663.

Marta Bivand Erdal & Marek Pawlak (2018) Reproducing, transforming and contesting gender relations and identities through migration and transnational ties. Gender, Place & Culture, 25(6), pp. 882-898.

Readings week 4: Trajectories and Social Navigation

Vigh, H. (2009). Motion squared: A second look at the concept of social navigation. In: Anthropological Theory, 9(4), pp. 419–438.

Schapendonk, J., van Liempt, I., Schwarz, I., & Steel, G. (2020). Re-routing migration geographies: Migrants, trajectories and mobility regimes. Geoforum, 116, pp. 211–216.

Kleist, N. (2020). Trajectories of involuntary return migration to Ghana: Forced relocation processes and post-return life. Geoforum, 116, pp. 272–281.

Readings week 5: Return and Migration Industries

Cranston, S., Schapendonk, J. & Spaan, E. (2018). New directions in exploring the migration industries: introduction to special issue. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(4), pp. 543-557, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1315504.

van Houte, M. (2022). The return industry; the case of the Netherlands. In Handbook of Return Migration, (pp. 153-166). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Schapendonk, J. (2018). Navigating the migration industry: migrants moving through an African-European web of facilitation/control. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,44(4), pp. 663-679, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1315522.

Readings week 6: Deportation I

De Genova, N. P. (2002). Migrant “illegality” and deportability in everyday life. Annual review of anthropology31(1), pp. 419-447.

Lemberg-Pedersen, M. (2022). The contours of deportation studies. In Handbook of Return Migration (pp. 122-136). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Readings week 7: Deportation II

Kalir, B. (2022). Departheid: re-politicising the inhumane treatment of illegalised migrants in so-called liberal democratic states. In Handbook of Return Migration (pp. 84-95). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Plambech, S. (2017). God brought you home–deportation as moral governance in the lives of Nigerian sex worker migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies43(13), pp. 2211-2227.

Fine, S., & Walters, W. (2021). No place like home? The International Organization for Migration and the new political imaginary of deportation. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, pp. 1-18, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1984218.

Readings week 8: Assisted Voluntary Return

Kuschminder, K. (2017). Taking Stock of Assisted Voluntary Return from Europe: Decision Making, Reintegration and Sustainable Return –Time for a paradigm shift (No. 2017/31). EUI Working Paper RSCAS.

Maâ, A. (2021). Manufacturing collaboration in the deportation field: Intermediation and the institutionalisation of the International Organisation for Migration’s ‘voluntary return’ programmes in Morocco. The Journal of North African Studies26(5), pp. 932-953.

Webber, F. (2011). How voluntary are voluntary returns?. Race & Class, 52(4), pp. 98-107.

Crane, A., & Lawson, V. (2020). Humanitarianism as conflicted care: Managing migrant assistance in EU Assisted Voluntary Return policies. Political Geography79, 102152.

Readings week 9: Sustainable Reintegration

Kuschminder, K. (2017). Interrogating the relationship between remigration and sustainable return. International Migration55(6), pp. 107-121.

Marino, R., & Lietaert, I. (2022). The legitimisation of the policy objective of sustainable reintegration. In Handbook of Return Migration, pp. 167-184. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Readings week 10: Migration Governance

Mielke, K. (2022). Calculated informality in governing (Non) return: An evolutionary governance perspective. Geopolitics, pp. 1-24.

Oomen, B., Baumgärtel, M., Miellet, S., Durmus, E. & Sabchev, T. (2021). Strategies of Divergence: Local Authorities, Law, and Discretionary Spaces in Migration Governance. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34 (4), pp. 3608-3628.

Week 11: Migration Governance II

Panizzon, M. & Van Riemsdijk, M. (2019). Introduction to Special issue: ‘migration governance in an era of large movements: a multi-level approach’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(8), pp. 1225-1241.

Pécoud, A. (2021). Philosophies of migration governance in a globalizing world. Globalizations, 18(1), pp. 103-119, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2020.1774316.

Betts, A. (2008). Global migration governance (No. 2008/43). GEG Working Paper.

Readings week 12: Migration Governance III

Lavenex, S., & Piper, N. (2021). Regions and global migration governance: perspectives ‘from above’,‘from below’and ‘from beyond’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, pp. 1-18.

Marti, G. (2019). The effects of multilevel governance on the rights of migrant domestic workers in Singapore, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(8), pp. 1345-1360, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1441614.

Triandafyllidou, A. (2022). Decentering the Study of Migration Governance: A Radical View, Geopolitics, 27(3), pp. 811-825, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2020.1839052.

Readings week 13: Migration Policies

Liao, K. A. S. (2020). Operation ‘Bring Them Home’: learning from the large-scale repatriation of overseas Filipino workers in times of crisis. Asian Population Studies16(3), pp. 310-330.

Kutz, W., & Wolff, S. (2021). Urban geopolitics and the decentring of migration diplomacy in EU-Moroccan affairs. Geopolitics, pp. 1-26.

Shivakoti, R., Henderson, S. & Withers, M. (2021). The migration ban policy cycle: a comparative analysis of restrictions on the emigration of women domestic workers. Comparative Migration Studies, 9(1), pp. 1-18.

Week 14: Decolonisation

Nasser-Eddin, N., & Abu-Assab, N. (2020). Decolonial approaches to refugee migration: Nof Nasser-Eddin and Nour Abu-Assab in conversation. Migration and Society3(1), pp. 190-202.

Bhambra, G. K. (2014). Postcolonial and decolonial reconstructions. Connected sociologies, pp. 117-140, DOI: 10.5040/

Achiume, E. T. (2017). Reimagining international law for global migration: migration as decolonization?. American Journal of International Law111, pp. 142-146.

Week 15: Intersectionality

Anthias, F. (2012). Transnational mobilities, migration research and intersectionality. Nordic Journal of Migration Research2(2), pp. 102-110.

Bürkner, H. J. (2012). Intersectionality: How gender studies might inspire the analysis of social inequality among migrants. Population, space and place18(2), pp. 181-195.

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