Katie Kuschminder

Katie is the PI of the Reintegrate Project. She is a Senior Researcher at the University of Amsterdam. Previously, she was an Associate Professor at Maastricht University/ UNU-MERIT. Katie has been working in research for fifteen years. She was a Work-Package lead on the Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (ADMIGOV) and received a Rubicon Research Grant from the Dutch Research Organization (NWO) to complete a two year fellowship at the European University Institute from 2016-2018. She has worked on or led consulting projects for IOM, ILO, ICMPD, GIZ, WFP, World Bank, Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security (WODC) and as an expert for various consulting organizations. In 2022, she co-edited the first Handbook of Return Migration with Prof. Russell King. Katie has published widely on return migration in journals such as: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Migration Studies, and International Migration.