

There is a long history of migration from Serbia to EU Member states, in particular Germany. Migrants from Serbia that apply for asylum in the EU are frequently refused. This has led to flows of return migration to Serbia.

How it fits with our research

Serbia is a case of ‘high migration governance’ in the Reintegrate project. Serbia signed a Readmission Agreement with the EU in 2008 and resulting implemented a Return and Readmission policy in 2009. There has been a lot of investment into reintegration in Serbia from multiple actors such as GIZ and IOM.

What’s being researched

Similar to the Philippines, Serbia has more experience with reintegration governance, however with a very different population. Our research in Serbia considers if the reintegration policies have changed or evolved since implementation, perceptions of their effectiveness and returnees experiences of reintegration governance. We consider specifically the experiences of Roma returnees as well.